Are you in pain?

See if one of our Osteopaths in Brighton & Hove could help you today!  


What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a manual therapy, that uses a hands on treatment approach to diagnose and treat a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions. Osteopaths are experts in muscle and joint issues and by moving, stretching and massaging the muscles and joints we can help detect, treat and prevent health problems.

The philosophy of Osteopathy is what sets it apart from other medical disciplines. Its key principles rely on all parts of the body functioning together in a complimentary manner and if one part of the body is limited, then the rest of the body adapts around the restricted part and compensates for this which could lead to disfunction in that area. Osteopaths will also look at what other factors could be contributing to your symptoms because biological, social and psychological factors can all contribute to physical symptoms.

Osteopaths are best known for treating lower back pain, neck pain and shoulder issues, but we can in fact treat the whole musculoskeletal system – from head to toe! These issues can vary from general aches & pains, to overuse injuries or symptoms from a specific trauma. Osteopaths usually use a combination of techniques to help treat your symptoms, most commonly stretching and massage of the muscles and articulation and manipulation of the joints. At Bright Osteopathy we also use Western Acupuncture techniques and cranial osteopathic techniques when we think the patient will benefit from these treatments. All of these techniques aim to improve function, mobility and circulation, allowing the body to start to function better and aid the recovery process. Lifestyle advice might also be suggested by your osteopath, to help you live as comfortably as possible.

Our goal is to help our patients feel strong, healthy and promote wellbeing in their lives, allowing them to live more comfortably. We put our patients first and feel its important to listen to their story and provide treatment that is tailored to them and their specific needs. We want our patients to leave Bright Osteopathy with a thorough understanding of their injury and that they have enough information about their health to help them prevent further injury in the future.

Osteopaths treat a wide range of issues – please see the list below or click on our Issues We Treat page for further information.

Cranial Osteopathy

The aim of cranial osteopathic treatment is to address the stresses and strains within the cranium and the rest of the body and encourages these stresses to release allowing the body to function better. A key osteopathic principle is that structure governs function, so therefore if the physical structures in your body are in a state of balance and harmony it will be able to function at its best. Cranial osteopathic treatment is just one way an osteopath may help your body function at its best.

Your First Appointment

During your first appointment, our osteopaths will initially go through a case history with you. This will involve going through questions about your pain and current symptoms, as well as questions about your general health, activities and lifestyle. By getting a complete medical history from you, it helps our osteopaths understand you and your symptoms more thoroughly. The case history helps our osteopaths understand you and what is important to you, what your goals of treatment are. If our osteopath doesn’t think osteopathic treatment is suitable for you, they will advise you on the best route forward and refer you to your GP for further investigation.

If the osteopath thinks osteopathic treatment is suitable to you, they will then start assessing the symptomatic area. This involves the osteopath asking you to do some movements, so they can see how much the joints and muscles can move. The osteopath will also assess your general posture and will examine the joints surrounding the painful area. This shouldn’t be painful, but assessing the mobility in the affected area, helps the osteopath accurately diagnosis your symptoms. Your diagnosis will then be discussed with you, as well as the short term and more long term management plan, which may include exercises for you to do between appointments. You will also be advised on your first visit on how many appointments the osteopath think you may need. You will be able to ask questions throughout the appointment, to help you understand your symptoms and what has caused them.

It is helpful for the osteopath to be able to see the affected area, but if you are not comfortable with this it isn’t necessary. It is best to wear comfortable, flexible clothing during your appointment. For peripheral joint issues e.g. knee injuries, bringing shorts with you to the appointment is helpful but not essential.

What Osteopathy Can Help With

If you are wondering whether Osteopathy could help you, feel free to give us a call today on 01273 732740 or click here to book online today!


After being in agony for 4 weeks, I eventually found my way to Carla (via a recommendation); it felt like, finally, someone talked to and understood my back. The relief after even one appointment was significant, and I felt “back to normal” after 3. Next time (should there be a next time), I will certainly NOT wait four weeks to see Carla! Highly recommended.
I have been a loyal client at this practice for over two years, and without fail, each visit has been an exceptionally positive experience. Carla and Shani always create an environment that instantly puts you at ease with their kindness and warmth. Regardless of the reason for your visit, they always make sure that you not only receive the necessary care but also have a genuinely enjoyable time. 

Two years of tennis elbow (which I’ve now learned is really called lateral epicondylitis) and no help from my GP, I’m now well on the road to recovery. Can’t thank Carla enough. Patient, considerate, non pushy and always has your best interests in mind. I would recommend to anyone. Only wish I had called earlier!